When you navigate to Settings > Email  > Signatures for outgoing email, you can set a signature for outgoing emails.

You can embed pictures, make the font bold or italic and insert tables using the provided buttons. To change the size, color and font of the text, however, you'll need to click the 'Source' button.

Here are some tips and tricks:

  • Do not delete the #TEAMLEADER_CONTENT flag
  • Example: <div style="font-family: courier; font-size: 18pt; color: red" >Teamleader</div> will add "Teamleader" in red, 18 pt text using the Courier font
    • font-family is the font you want to use: Make sure to pick a websafe font
    • font-size: You can use pt or px
    • color: You can use the names for
    • Everything between the <div> tags will be as you defined (e.g. color, size, etc).