With each passing year, you want to make sure that the prices of your products are up to date. Fortunately you don’t need to change this product by product in Teamleader Focus. Continue reading to find out how Teamleader Focus can help you save time by doing this in bulk for your products.

Export your products

First of all, you’ll need to export all your products, or a segment of your products. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to Products

  2. Click on Export

  3. Select a segment or ‘Select all’

  4. In ‘Select’, choose Create new template to select a new export template. Include the following columns:

    • Name

    • ID

    • Price

  5. Click Start export

  6. Open the Excel file

Update prices in Excel

Now that you have the Excel file:

  • It’s time to update your prices in the file by adjusting the ‘Price’ column 

  • Save the Excel file

Import your products again

After you’ve updated your Excel file, you can now import your adapted products at once in Teamleader Focus:

  1. Go to Products

  2. Click on Import

  3. Choose the Excel file you just updated

  4. Match the right fields Name, ID & Price

  5. Finish the import. Don’t worry, no duplicates will be created as Teamleader Focus will recognize by means of the Name/ID that you’re updating the same products.

That’s it, the prices of your products are updated!


  • If you want to use the current prices in Teamleader Focus and only charge the price increase for certain customers, you can work with price lists. You can find more information in this article.
  • What will happen to subscriptions if you've increased your product prices?

    The prices of the products in your subscription won't update automatically. You'll need to navigate to the subscription in question, edit the price(s) of the article and save the subscription again. The invoices generated afterwards will have the updated prices.
    ! Once every year, we can do an indexation of the existing subscriptions for you if you want. You just have to update your prices first and then we can apply these prices to the existing subscriptions. Contact our support team for more information.